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Espionage Plot

Russia accuses America of hacking thousands of Apple phones in an espionage plot

Espionage Plot ,The Russian Federal Security Service confirmed that several thousand Apple phones were infected with malware, including the phones of diplomats

Russia’s Federal Security Service said it had uncovered a plot by the US National Security Agency to use previously unknown malware to hack specially manufactured vulnerabilities in Apple phones.

The main point:
The Russian Federal Security Service stated that several thousand Apple phones were infected with this malware, including the phones of subscribers inside Russia.

Spying countries:
He added that the targeting included the phones of foreign diplomats based in Russia and countries that were within the former Soviet Union, including countries currently within NATO, Israel, Syria and China.

The documented relationship between the two sides of espionage:
The Russian service said the plot showed the close relationship between Apple and the US National Security Agency,However, neither Apple nor the US National Security Agency have commented on the matter yet.

Spy target:
The agency stated: “The company (Apple) provides US intelligence services with a wide range of opportunities to monitor any person of interest from the White House and its partners in anti-Russian activities and to monitor their citizens.”

Conspiracy uncovered:
Unusually, the Russian Federal Security Service disclosed that the Federal Guard Service, the agency responsible for securing Russian leaders and leaders, helped uncover the plot

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